summary | ||
public |
C Board A WOJ board with column * row clues arranged in a grid. |
public |
C Category A category of clues on the board. |
public |
C Clue A single clue, zero indexed from the top left of the board. |
public |
C Game The WOJ game. |
public |
C Player A player in the WOJ game. |
public |
C Round A round in the WOJ game. |
public |
C Score A score keeper for a single player and round. |
public |
C Spin Result of a wheel spin. |
public |
C Wheel A WOJ wheel for a specific board and maximum spins. |
public |
F initDefaultGame(): Game Initialize the default game setup. |
public |
Returns a random integer between min and max. |
public |
F shuffleArray(arr: Object[]): Object[] Naive shuffle an array, swaps random slots 3 * array.length times. |
public |
public |
public |
public |
T RoundStats: Object |